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Time Sync (Windows)

Windows OS Installation

You need to prepare the following items.

Before starting the timesync, please confirm whether your device is an 18MP camera. Only models with 18MP or higher have the handcrack expansion slot.
USB Type C  
Camera Board (With SD card inserted) Original manufacturer's transfer cable (if using other cables, please ensure they have transfer capability). Computer with Windows OS

1.Download the Windows TimeSync app from the  Download link.


2.Make sure that the SD card has been installed.

3. Connect Papershoot camera with a PC USB port.

4. Click on “PaperShootTimeSync_win.exe” to start update.


5. After seeing the message 'Press any key to continue . . .,' press any key, and the window will immediately disappear to complete Time Sync.

6. Unplug USB and take a few photo like you normally do. Plug-in again to check your photo file time stamp is correct.


Note: Whenever battery is emtpy, you can replace or recharge within a day without loosing the correct time date.