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We’ve been asked the question, “Why would I use my Paper Shoot if I have a camera on my phone?!” more times than we can count. We totally understand! The convenience of having a high quality digital camera on you at all times is hard to deny. Ultimately, we at Paper Shoot believe firmly that the best camera is the one you’re most likely to use. However, these are some of the reasons why we believe that Paper Shoot has an advantage over the camera on your phone!

  • It allows you to live in the moment

  • We’re all guilty of this: you take out your phone to check “one thing” and forty-five minutes later, you’re knee-deep in a Titanic-conspiracy-rabbit hole. Did you know that our phones track our patterns and send us push notifications from our favorite apps, or curate our Instagram to show us a post they know we’ll love just as we were about to close the app, to keep us on our phones as long as possible? Don’t feel bad if you’ve been caught in the trap - that’s what they were designed to do! 

    With such advanced technology and hyper-addictive apps at our fingertips, giving ourselves as many breaks as possible is key to preserving our mental health. What customers love most about the Paper Shoot is that it’s screenless and still gives us the opportunity to capture memories in an unplugged, authentic way. 

    With Paper Shoot, you can snap a pic without feeling the urge to check your DM’s, scroll on TikTok for a quick dopamine hit, or respond to that email you forgot about yesterday. The Paper Shoot offers beautiful, hassle-free photos, all while keeping you in the moment. If your phone is the busy work week, think of Paper Shoot as the weekend.

  • You won’t overthink your shots

  • Check your camera roll right now. I guarantee you’ve got one of these - a dozen photos of the exact same photo, over and over again, as the result of striving to get that perfect, Insta-worthy shot. Long-gone are the days of taking one photo on your film camera and hoping for the best! Now, we have the ability to instantly dissect every picture.

    With Paper Shoot, you can emulate the nostalgia of shooting on film without needing to pay for the photos that don’t turn out. Downloading photos of your adventures will feel like Christmas Day as you relive your memories all over again.

  • Instant editing, completely hassle-free

  • Of course, any photo you take on your phone can be edited to emulate film, but wouldn’t you prefer if that was done for you? Paper Shoot edits your photos instantly after you take them, and there are dozens of different filters to choose from with our additional FILTER CARDS. No more toying with the exposure or paying for premium filters on VSCO! The Paper Shoot gives you instant film-aesthetic photos, hassle-free. 

    Overall, you get to decide which camera is best for you! Whether it’s a Paper Shoot or a DSLR or your phone, there are hundreds of choices out there to fit every person. If you’re interested in a Paper Shoot, check out our GALLERY PAGE and PRODUCTS to learn more!

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